Bea Griffon adalah anjing campuran, hasil perkawinan antara Beagle dengan Brussel Griffon. Ia juga dikenal sebagai Beagle/Brussels Griffon Mix. Dia memiliki rentang hidup 12 sampai 15 tahun dan memiliki bakat dalam trik, pengawas dan kelincahan. Dia adalah salib kecil hingga sedang yang bersemangat dan penuh kasih sayang.
Inilah Sekilas tentang Bea Griffon | |
Tinggi rata-rata | 8 sampai 15 inci |
Rata-rata berat badan | 12 hingga 24 pon |
Jenis mantel | Lurus, pendek, kasar atau halus |
Hipoalergenik? | Bisa (Brussels Griffon bisa) |
Kebutuhan Perawatan | Moderat |
Penumpahan | Rendah hingga sedang tergantung pada mantel |
Penyikatan | Setiap beberapa hari |
Keadaan perasa | Sangat sensitif |
Toleran terhadap Kesendirian? | Rendah |
Gonggongan | sesekali |
Toleransi terhadap Panas | Sedang hingga sangat baik tergantung pada mantel |
Toleransi terhadap Dingin | Rendah hingga sedang |
Hewan Peliharaan Keluarga yang Baik? | Baik hingga sangat baik |
Baik dengan Anak-anak? | Sedang sampai baik dengan sosialisasi, lebih baik dengan anak yang lebih besar |
Baik dengan Anjing lain? | Sangat baik hingga sangat baik |
Baik dengan Hewan Peliharaan lainnya? | Baik dengan sosialisasi – mungkin mengejar mereka |
Pengembara atau Pengembara? | Sangat tinggi |
Penghuni Apartemen yang Baik? | Sangat baik hingga sangat baik karena ukurannya |
Hewan Peliharaan yang Baik untuk Pemilik baru? | Bagus – bisa jadi sulit untuk dilatih jadi butuh pengalaman |
Kemampuan untuk dilatih | Sedang sulit |
Kebutuhan Latihan | Cukup aktif |
Kecenderungan menjadi Gemuk | Diatas rata-rata |
Masalah Kesehatan Utama | Penyakit diskus intervertebralis, masalah mata, epilepsi, Hipotiroidisme, Dwarfisme Beagle, CBS, Patella Luxation, |
Masalah Kesehatan Lainnya | Displasia pinggul, infeksi telinga, alergi kulit |
Masa hidup | 12 hingga 15 tahun |
Rata-rata Harga Anak Anjing baru | Tidak diketahui |
Rata-rata Biaya Medis Tahunan | $460 hingga $560 |
Rata-rata Pengeluaran Non-Medis Tahunan | $655 hingga $755 |
Dari mana Bea Griffon berasal?
Bea Griffon adalah anjing desainer, ini sengaja dibiakkan
The Beagle history is a little uncertain in some places as while we have reports of beagle like dogs from as far back as Roman times they were not the Beagles we know today. Used for hunting for a time they fell out of favor in the 18th century when foxhounds became popular and because Beagles were not that fast. However farmers continued to use them and that is what saved the breed. In the 1800s they were imported to America and there they were bred to be smaller. Today the Beagle is a sweet dog, funny but also quite naughty! Training and socialization is important and since they love their food so much occasional treats to bribe them to be good is recommended! The Brussels Griffon originally comes from Belgium where they were more terrier like and were bred to hunt vermin in city stables. Over the years they were mixed with the English Toy Spaniel, the Pug and the Affenpinscher and eventually the dog we know today emerged. Today he is an intelligent and lively dog with an expressive almost human like face. They can be sensitive and high strung, but can make wonderful companions and tend to bond more closely with one person in a familyThe Beagle
The Brussels Griffon
The Bea Griffon is a loving and affectionate dog who wants to be with people all the time and will demand a lot of attention from you. He is intelligent usually with a great character and could be a good family pet or companion. He is energetic and playful and enjoys being social. He tends to be well-behaved and has a great enthusiasm for life. He bonds closely with his owner but is also caring for the rest of the family. He is very loyal and very friendly.
What does the Bea Griffon look like
He is a small to medium sized dog weighing 12 to 24 pounds and standing 8 to 15 inches tall. He has floppy ears, a straight coat that can be coarse or smooth and is short. His muzzle is medium to long, a dark nose and dark eyes that are almond shaped. Common coat colors are orange, black, white, red, black, tan, golden, cream and tri-color.
Training and Exercise Needs
How active does the Bea Griffon need to be?
The Bea Griffon needs a moderate amount of exercise each day to stay happy and fit. He can adapt to apartment living due to his size and ability to get some of his needs from his indoor play. He enjoys chewing and jumping, playing fetch and other such dog games. Take him out every day for a couple of walks and treat to him to visits to the dog park too. Access to a yard is not a requirement but if there is one that is a bonus place for him to play. Be prepared that he can jump quite high though and he tends to chase smaller animals.
Does he train quickly?
He varies when it comes to training. Some owners find he is responsive and learns quickly and some find him more difficult. He may not be the best dog for a first time owner for that reason. Be firm and consistent but still keep it positive. Offer rewards and treats and praise to motivate him and if necessary keep training sessions shorter and engaging. Be patient, getting cross and scolding him is not going to be effective. Early training and socialization are important responsibilities a dog owner must take care of. If it is not going well there are professional schools or trainers you can pay for help.
Living with a Bea Griffon
How much grooming is needed?
Since the Brussels Griffon can be hypoallergenic so can the Bea Griffon but if that is a primary concern when looking at dogs you should visit the puppy before buying with person with allergies to check on any reactions. Depending on his coat he could be low to moderate shedding and so his brushing could be daily or every other day. Give him a bath as he needs it, too often or using the wrong kind of shampoo could dry out his skin. His ears will need checking for infection and wiping clean once a week. Smooth coated Bea Griffins will also have a seasonal shed to deal with. The rough coated ones do not but they will need regular trips to a groomer for clipping or stripping. He may also need his legs and beard trimmed regularly. Brush his teeth two to three times a week and have his nails clipped when they get too long.
What is he like with children and other animals?
He gets on very well with other dogs and can tolerate other pets though he sometimes will want to chase small animals. With children he is less natural, he will need early socialization and training and he is better if raised with them, or when they are older children who can be taught how to touch him and when to back off.
General information
The Bea Griffon will bark occasionally and may have the Beagle howl. He should be fed ¾ to 1½ cups of good quality dry dog food a day, split into at least two meals. As he is so friendly he does not always make the most reliable watchdog.
Health Concerns
There are health issues the Bea Griffon could inherit from his parents such as Intervertebral disk disease, eye problems, epilepsy, Hypothyroidism, Beagle Dwarfism, CBS, Patellar Luxation, Hip dysplasia, ear infections and skin allergies. The best way to lessen having any of these problems is to ask the breeder to show you health clearances for both parents. Another way to ensure you have a healthier puppy is to visit it and see the conditions it was bred and kept in.
Costs involved in owning a Bea Griffon
This dog can cost anything right now, there are not enough on sale to gather a range of prices for. Other costs for things like a crate, carrier, collar and leash, deworming, shots, chipping, blood tests and neutering come to between $455 to $500. Annual costs for medical basics like check ups, vaccinations, pet insurance and flea prevention come to between $460 to $560. Annual costs for non-medical needs like food, treats, training, license, toys and grooming come between $655 to $755.
Looking for a Bea Griffon Puppy Name? Let select one from our list!
« Male Dog Names Female Dog Names »The Bea Griffon can be spirited but he is also very loving and affectionate and can be a great companion. He is not perhaps the best suited dog for families with children but with socialization he can adapt.
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